----------------- Total 7 Infos -----------------
I need help in deciding which product to purchase.
Our customer service team is here to help. They have many combined years of product knowledge, and would love to help you find the right product for your needs.
What's the price terms?
Price is quoted on FOB Shenzhen,usually means factory price,shipping and the local tax are not included.
Could you customization with our logo ?
Yes, we can. Generally,MOQ order for Customing Logo=1000PCS
What's your best way for shipping?
It depends on the quantity, weight and volume and your country.Please contact Customer Service.
What's the payment terms? How to pay for the order?
TT, PayPal, etc. Normally 100% in advance; if the order amount is big, we can negotiate.
What’s the MOQ and Leading time?
100pcs/Model, 1-7 Days for the delivery
When will my order ship?
For China orders: most orders will be shipped within 24 hours during business hours (excluding pre-sale/backorders).
For international orders: international orders are usually processed and shipped within 1 to 3 days (excluding pre-sale/backorders).
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